Conceited Independence

"I do not think it worth while to wait for enjoyment until there is some real opportunity for it." Jane Austen

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Friday, January 21, 2005

The Kindergarten Rock Exchange

I volunteer in my daughter's Kindergarten class once a month. The last time I was there a very interesting thing happened. Just after I got to the classroom, the teacher came over to me and quietly pointed out a group of children who were pretending to sell rocks (just some ordinary rocks) at an area they had set-up as a store. Some other kids had taken the kitchen play area and set it up an office on the other end of the room. They made desks and had found two telephones they were using to make their "deals." They even had some "runners" going back and forth to pick up the merchandise. They were actually selling and buying rocks as a commodity. I don't know where they got the rocks, but it was really fascinating to see playtime imitate real life.

Future Commodities Brokers of America Unite!


Is capitalism a priori?!?!? 

Posted by john fowles

2:28 PM  

Heh, heh heh. Kindergarten ROCKS! 

Posted by Jennifer

11:07 AM  



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